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Friday, March 11, 2011

Where to go tomorrow???

Finally the weekend is here! That means it's time to go to a cafe! But which one? I'm not telling.. I'll put up a post about the one I visit and hopefully a picture too! Happy weekend!

Let's all eat cake!

Monday, March 7, 2011


Welcome to my blog! This is my first blog I'm sorry it's been so long since I started this! I'm still getting everything put together at this point!

So what's this blog going to be about? PASTRIES!!!

I love pastries and want to share the unique treats offered from around the world! Right now I'll be visiting approximately one cafe or bakery in my local area a week and sharing my discoveries. Hopefully, I will collect enough visits to cafes to have a different one to visit for each day. I'll also be sharing my pictures and stories from my travels around Europe and where ever else I may end up. I'll also be researching the history and tradition of certain baked goods and who knows, maybe a recipe or two.

I look forward to bringing new and exciting pastries to the visitors of my page, and of course doing the research!

Here's to tomorrow's cafe!